Videos Co-Hosted with Goldman Sachs Asset Management

"What Just Happened?" – Corporate Treasury Practices During a Period of Uncertainty

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The first quarter of 2020, and March in particular, will be remembered as one of the most turbulent and unprecedented periods in all of history, especially in the financial markets. We all know what happened: COVID-19, economic shutdown, mass unemployment, political uncertainty. But, do we really? More importantly, what do the numbers say?

Listen to the recording to hear an analysis of the market events from March, the behaviors of corporates in general, updated stats on the industry, and central bank activity in response to the global crisis. We’ve showcased some of the tools corporates are using during this period of volatility to help manage their cash.

Watch this recorded, co-hosted webinar with presenters from Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Clearwater to learn more about:

  • A data-driven recap of corporate treasury behavior during March 2020
  • Analysis of apparent strategies around prime funds and government funds
  • Demo of the Clearwater solution and Goldman Sachs Asset Management's Mosaic (and the integration between the systems)

Featured Presenters

Alex Bird

Vice President, Global Liquidity Management, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Matthew Dailey

Managing Director, Head of US Liquidity Sales, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Patrick O'Callaghan

Global Head of Client Portfolio Management, Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Thomas Murphy

Enterprise Solutions, Clearwater Analytics