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  • 7 Min Read
  • July 24, 2024

Why Old Tech Is the New Risk: The Looming Shadow of Legacy Systems on Insurers



For insurers, accounting results are business results. Since the investment portfolio is the largest asset on any insurers balance sheet, and on average accounts for nearly 40% of total company income, transparent and accurate investment data is a critical operating concern. Insights into profitability reside within subledgers, though consolidating data from these various sources presents a significant challenge. Outdated financial system architectures restrict the ability to extract meaningful insights from data. Compounding this complexity are the siloed systems and architectures typical in the insurance industry. The absence of a unified and reconciled data repository forces internal teams and IT to develop ad hoc solutions, often resorting to storing detailed financial data in spreadsheets or other databases. Ironically, this approach consumes more time and effort across the organization as teams generate disparate datasets or duplicate data throughout different departments. These scattered data pools lack transparency and crucial details, rendering them unusable for effective financial reporting and reconciliation.

Setting the Stage: Why Old tech Is the New Risk

In today’s rapidly evolving insurance landscape, the reliance on outdated technology poses a significant risk to insurers. Legacy systems, once robust and reliable, now hinder rather than empower. These aging platforms struggle to keep pace with modern data demands, hindering efficiency and agility in crucial areas such as investment accounting and reporting. The complexity of these systems often leads to fragmented data, siloed processes, and increased operational costs. Moreover, the inability to seamlessly integrate with newer technologies limits insurers’ ability to harness the full potential of their data for insightful decision-making. As the industry moves towards digital transformation, those still entrenched in legacy systems face mounting challenges in maintaining competitiveness and regulatory compliance. The time to embrace advanced investment accounting technology is now, not only to mitigate risks but to unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation in insurance operations.

The Enduring Grip of Legacy Systems in Insurance

Despite continued advancements in technology, many insurers remain stuck in their reliance on legacy systems, particularly for investment accounting and data management operations. Research shows that up to 74% of insurance companies still depend on legacy systems for core functions. These outdated systems, often developed decades ago, have become deeply integrated into the day-to-day functions of insurance companies. However, their inflexibility and inefficiency are becoming increasingly apparent. The insurance industry has been notably slow to adopt new technologies, with studies indicating that only 12% of insurers consider themselves to be at the forefront of digital innovation. This slowness to adopt modern technology carries significant costs and risks. Legacy systems struggle to handle the growing volumes of data and complex investment accounting needs that modern insurers face, leading to inefficiencies and increased operational costs. Additionally, these insurers find themselves grappling with data silos, manual processes, and limited analytical capabilities. The enduring grip of these antiquated technologies not only hinders operational efficiency but also stifles innovation and growth, leaving insurers at a significant disadvantage in an increasingly competitive market.

Daring to Peek into the Dark Corners of Legacy Systems: The Future Costs and Risks 

The hidden dangers of legacy systems extend far beyond immediate operational inefficiencies; they pose significant future costs and risks that can jeopardize the long-term viability of insurance companies. As technology continues to advance, the gap between modern solutions and legacy systems widens, leading to escalating maintenance costs and increasing difficulty in finding skilled professionals capable of managing these outdated technologies. According to PwC, on average, about 70% of an insurer’s annual IT budget is spent on maintaining its legacy systems. This financial burden diverts resources away from innovation and strategic initiatives. Compliance with evolving regulatory requirements also becomes a daunting challenge, as legacy systems are often unable to adapt swiftly to new mandates, potentially resulting in costly fines and legal repercussions. The inability to integrate with modern data analytics tools means missed opportunities for strategic decision-making and competitive advantage. Studies indicate that insurers spend an average of 52 days per year on manual processes that could be automated with modern technology. As insurers dare to peek into the dark corners of their legacy systems, the urgency of transitioning to scalable, cloud-based technologies becomes unmistakably clear.

Investment Decisions Dictated by Legacy System: Missed Opportunities

Legacy technology doesn’t just hinder day-to-day operations; it also significantly impacts strategic investment decisions. Insurers often find themselves constrained by outdated systems that lack the flexibility to analyze and manage diverse portfolios efficiently. According to a McKinsey report, 56% of insurers report that their legacy systems directly influence their investment choices, often limiting them to more traditional, less lucrative assets due to the difficulties in managing complex instruments. This rigidity leads to missed opportunities in emerging markets and innovative investment vehicles that could offer higher returns. In an industry where agility is key, technology must adapt swiftly to the ever-changing landscape of investment portfolios. Modern, cloud-based solutions provide the scalability and real-time analytics necessary for insurers to pivot quickly, seize new opportunities, and optimize their investment strategies. Embracing agile technology ensures that insurers can meet the evolving needs of their portfolios and remain competitive in a dynamic market.

Investment Accounting: Where Legacy Hits the Hardest

In the realm of investment accounting, legacy systems strike a particularly hard blow, leading to numerous risks and costs that insurers can no longer afford to ignore. Slow reporting times are a major issue, with outdated systems taking days, sometimes even weeks, to generate financial reports. This delay hampers decision-making and can result in missed market opportunities. Compliance mishaps are another significant risk, as legacy systems often struggle to keep up with evolving regulatory requirements. According to a Gartner report, companies using legacy systems are 40% more likely to experience compliance failures, which can lead to hefty fines and reputational damage. Data errors further compound these problems, with studies showing that manual data entry and outdated technology increase the likelihood of errors by 50%. These inaccuracies not only lead to financial discrepancies but also undermine the trust of stakeholders. The high costs and risks associated with slow reporting, compliance mishaps, and data errors underscore the critical need for insurers to upgrade their investment accounting systems to modern, cloud-based solutions.

Investment Operations: The Data Doldrums

Welcome to the digital bog of investment operations, where legacy systems turn what should be a streamlined process into a challenging trek through the data doldrums. Here, insurers grapple with pervasive data silos, a problem affecting 65% of insurance companies according to industry research. These silos act as isolated pools of information that hinder collaboration and innovation, forcing teams to navigate through redundant, inconsistent data manually. It’s a scenario where growth is stifled, and potential opportunities slip away. Imagine making critical decisions with your data trapped in an outdated system that doesn’t communicate effectively with others—a frustrating reality for many insurers. This situation leads to slower response times, missed opportunities, and a weakened competitive edge due to the inability to fully leverage data. It’s time for insurers to break free from these constraints by embracing modern, cloud-based technology that facilitates seamless data integration and unleashes untapped growth potential.

The Digital Dawn: Why Embrace Change Now

As the sun rises on the digital era, insurers are discovering the transformative benefits of upgrading their investment accounting systems. Making the leap to cloud-based solutions can slash operational costs by up to 30% and supercharge reporting efficiency by 50%. Picture real-time data insights lighting up decision-making processes, allowing insurers to pivot with agility and precision. With integrated platforms, manual errors dwindle, and compliance becomes a breeze in the face of shifting regulatory tides. Modern technology isn’t just a lifeline—it’s a catapult for growth and innovation. By embracing this digital revolution, insurers not only future-proof their operations but also carve out a path to lead in innovation and customer satisfaction. The time for change has arrived, promising boundless opportunities for those ready to seize them.

Leaping Over Legacy: Crafting a Digital Exodus Plan

Crafting a successful digital exodus plan involves choosing technology that not only meets current needs but also scales with future growth. Insurers should prioritize solutions that are built on robust, scalable platforms designed to adapt to evolving industry demands. According to industry insights, scalable technology reduces the risk of premature obsolescence by up to 60%, ensuring investments remain relevant and effective over the long term. It’s crucial to partner with providers that offer flexible deployment options, seamless integration capabilities, and a proven track record of innovation. By selecting scalable technology, insurers pave the way for a smoother transition from legacy systems to a dynamic digital future.

 Conclusion: Don’t Let Yesterday’s Tech Haunt Tomorrow’s Bottom Line

In the dynamic world of insurance, the decision to embrace modern technology isn’t just a choice—it’s a strategic imperative. The risks posed by legacy systems—from slow reporting and compliance mishaps to data silos and missed growth opportunities—are too great to ignore. Insurers must seize the opportunity to craft a digital exodus plan, choosing scalable technology that evolves with their needs and ensures long-term relevance.  

Clearwater Analytics stands at the forefront, offering a transformative solution that addresses these challenges head-on. Clearwater Analytics’ best-in-class technology offers a comprehensive solution to the challenges outlined in previous sections. Bid farewell to slow reporting times and compliance mishaps, as Clearwater’s cloud-based platform delivers up to 50% improvement in reporting efficiency and a 40% reduction in compliance risks with automated processes minimizing errors by 75%. Our integrated platform breaks down data silos, enabling seamless data flow and empowering insurers with real-time insights for strategic decision-making.  

 Clearwater doesn’t just stop at efficiency—we redefine it. Our scalable technology grows alongside your business, ensuring you’re always ahead of the curve. With Clearwater, insurers benefit from agility and innovation, setting the stage for unparalleled growth and customer satisfaction.

Now is the time to let legacy go and embrace the future with Clearwater Analytics. Join the ranks of hundreds of other insurers who have already unlocked the power of scalable, cloud-based technology to propel their operations forward. Don’t settle for increasingly outdated systems when you can revolutionize your investment accounting with Clearwater’s best-in-class platform. Contact Clearwater Analytics to begin your journey towards operational excellence and unparalleled growth. The future is waiting—are you ready to seize it?