eBooks For Public Service Investors

How Technology Can Optimize Your Portfolio Management

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In an era where industries worldwide are harnessing advanced technologies for investment management, the public sector must adapt or risk falling behind. Public sector investment operations and treasury teams face a daunting challenge — managing their portfolios in increasingly complex financial markets with outdated systems and manual processes. The time for change is now. 

Our e-book introduces you to the Clearwater platform — a transformative solution tailored for state treasurers, pool participants, and investment professionals at pension funds, endowments, and foundations. Discover the power of Clearwater to streamline processes, access accurate data seamlessly, prepare statements with ease, and fuel portfolio growth, all from one centralized platform. 

Get ready to unlock key insights into what Clearwater technology has to offer: 

  • Pooled participant interaction, giving account owners the access to their own investment data 
  • Seamlessly generate period-end reporting necessary for compliance, risk, and performance management. 
  • A comprehensive, daily view of all AUM, leading to increased yield and ROI, as highlighted in multiple case studies. 

Download this e-book today and explore what the industry’s leading SaaS-based investment management platform can do for you.  

By taking this step, you can significantly improve the accuracy and consistency of your investment data, eliminate repetitive manual tasks, simplify accounting processes, and boost portfolio transparency for exceptional financial reporting. 

Bring your investment strategy firmly into the digital age with Clearwater.