Client SuccessUnion Mutualiste Retraite (UMR)

Union Mutualiste Retraite (UMR) Chooses Clearwater JUMP for the Management of Unit Linked Funds

Union Mutualiste Retraite (UMR) is a union of complementary insurance and pension fund companies that offers pension plan solutions to its subscribers. After an in-depth market study, UMR chose the Clearwater JUMP software to meet the growth and development needs of its unit linked activities.

Market / Insurers
The UMR was created in 2002 to offer a retirement solution accessible to all mutual members. As of 12/31/2022, a partial contribution of assets was made to the benefit of the UMR, a limited company with a Board of Directors.
Headquarters: Paris, France
Billion Assets Under Management
Database for Reporting Across Assets
  • Looking for a robust range of capabilities
  • In need of high-performing, scalable and innovative software
  • Eliminating the need to manually process and reconcile data from different sources and systems
  • Provided one, versus multiple data repositories to maintain
  • Adaptability for deployment and data hosting
  • Fully functional and operational native connector works with policy management (KAPIA-REG) technology service
  • High quality, proactive customer service during implementation phase

“We wanted a long-term, comprehensive, and cutting-edge solution, that could be interoperable with our policy management software.”

Philippe Ray, Director of Investments as UMR

A professional looking woman, smiling.

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